Sunday 23 September 2018

python - Getting layers from .msd using ArcPy?

I need the name of each layer in an .msd, but I could not find support using arcpy (ArcGIS 10.0). Is there a method I missed?

In the current workflow, since I am publishing the document, I use the REST service:

descriptionUrl = url + "/ArcGIS/rest/services/" + mapServer + "/MapServer?f=json"  

restResponseFp = urllib.urlopen(descriptionUrl)
mapDescription =json.load(restResponseFp)
layerNames = [str(layer["name"]) for layer in mapDescription["layers"]]


import zipfile
from xml.etree.cElementTree import iterparse

zz = zipfile.ZipFile('C:\\Temp\\')

serviceNames = []

for name in zz.namelist():
if name == "DocumentInfo.xml" or name == "layers/layers.xml":
for _event, elem in iterparse(
if elem.tag == "Name":

Files associated with layers are named like this: layers/featureclassname.xml

Long service names are truncated to make the file name, so we must parse the file contents to handle all cases.

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