Friday 21 September 2018

gdal - Creating Spatialite DB from Swedish OSM

I have just started to use GDAL/OGR and I am trying to create a spatialite DB from OSM data. I am using a cut of the Swedish OSM data downloaded from Geofabrik in .osm format. I have used the following command line:

ogr2ogr -f "SQLite" SwedenOSM.sqlite sweden-latest.osm

This created a spatialite db but I also got the following error: ERROR 1: Too many tags in relation 54224 this is repeated 12 times.

When I try to add the spatialite DB into QGIS 2.6 it doesn't recognise it as a proper DB.

Can some explain to me what is happening and how I go about solving it.


The GDAL osm driver makes use of an osmconf.ini file:

Within that file, you can uncomment the line


to avoid saving all possible names of Sweden in that database column.

By the way, GDAL can read the osm.pbf file directly, no need to extract it first.

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