Thursday, 24 November 2016

leaflet - Styling individual features in a GeoJSON layer

I have managed to display a GeoJSON layer with multiple polygons (~150) in a Leaflet map in SharePoint.

I would like to style different features in this GeoJSON layer according to a colour stored within a column in this GeoJSON layer, called "color". So far the output is only diplaying by default: "blue"

// Polygons coloured
polygons = L.geoJSON(data, {
style:function(feature) {
switch (
onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {

layercontrol.addOverlay(polygons, 'POLYGONS');

document.getElementById('mapid').style.opacity = 1;


I could style the features indivdually like I started in the following script but I dont think it is the most adequate solution since I have more than 100 polygons.

/ polygons 
$.getJSON("../SiteAssets/webparts/Data/WOAs_WGS84.geojson",function (data){

woas2 = L.geoJSON(data, {
style: function(feature) {
switch ( {
case 'polygon 1: return {color: #00FF7F", opacity:0.7};
case 'polygon 2: return {color: "#c917dc", opacity:0.7};
case 'polygon 3: return {color: "#FF0000", opacity:0.7};
case 'polygon 4': return {color: "#a9fb3a", opacity:0.7};
case 'polygon 5: return {color: "#4169E1", opacity:0.7};

and so on

case 'polygon 150 ': return {color: " #C0C0C0", opacity:0.7};
onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {

layercontrol.addOverlay(polygons, 'POLYGONS');


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