Saturday, 19 November 2016

Cannot fix QGIS after upgrade to Ubuntu 13.04 Raring

I have following problem. After upgrade to 13.04 I had problem with PyQGIS mentioned here.

I followed almost all advices described there, finally removed QGIS (had 1.8 Lisboa) and added the Ubuntugis repository again:

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install qgis

But still have problem with broken dependencies:

Následující balíky mají nesplněné závislosti:
qgis : Závisí na: qgis-common (= 1.7.4+1.7.5~20120320-1.1) ale 1.8.0-1~quantal3 se bude instalovat
Doporučuje: qgis-plugin-grass ale nebude se instalovat
Doporučuje: python-qgis ale nebude se instalovat
E: Nelze opravit problémy, některé balíky držíte v porouchaném stavu.

in English:

The following packages have broken dependencies:

qgis: Depends on: qgis-common (= 1.7.4 +1.7.5 ~ 20120320-1.1) but 1.8.0-1 ~ quantal3 will be installed
Recommended: qgis-plugin-grass but will not install
Recommended: python-qgis but will not install
E: Unable to correct problems, some packages you have in damaged state.

However I cannot fix it. I do not need Grass, but qgis-common seems to be important.

Any idea what I could do?



Ok, although it is funny to answer my own question I think it might be useful also for other QGIS users.

If you go to Muon Package Manager and in Software sources remove all QGIS related repositories like Ubuntugis etc. then you add these (obtained from QGIS website):

deb raring main
deb-src raring main

After updating package information (just restart Muon) you can update or completely install new QGIS. In my case it was version 1.9 Alpha so I am not sure how stable it will be...

maybe there is also another solution but just wanted to let you know :-)

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