Wednesday, 31 August 2016

postgresql - Pgrouting functions and geoms type not found. Install failed?

I have installed a postgresql 9.1 and postgis 2.0 from source.

I couldn't launch this :

# Add pgRouting launchpad repository ("stable" or "unstable")
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:georepublic/pgrouting[-unstable]
sudo apt-get update

# Install pgRouting packages
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1-pgrouting

So I compiled and installed pgrouting 2.0 (after some hours searching for dependencies). I created the extension on my database in postgresql.

I included the function from the sql files pgrouting.sql but the functions I need are in pgrouting_legacy.sql and pgrouting_dd_legacy.sql

When I try to load them, the error I get is : psql:/usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/pgrouting-2.0/pgrouting_legacy.sql:299: ERROR: type "geoms" does not exist

Postgresql and Postgis are working fine...

What did I wrong ? Maybe I forgot something or the install failed ?

I followed this documentation :

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