Sunday 10 April 2016

r - retrieving all coordinates of gridded temperature data with its metadata that falls in Germany' polygon?

I have yearly gridded temperature observation for all countries, and I picked up recent 35 years' data for climate research. However, in original data, yearly temperature observation has been stored by global level, and I intend to retrieve all coordinates with its metadata (here its metadata is 12 month' average monthly temperature) only for Germany. I used data.table package to read those data in a clean format in R. Now I need to retrieve all points with its metadata that falls in German polygon. I don't need to visualize them first because I have to compute annual temperature for each coordinate that falls in Germany. I used maptools, sp packages to get this done, but my output was not what I expected.

Here is how I load my data in R (old post can be found here: old post):


tempdat <- list.files(path = getwd(), recursive = TRUE)
TempDatas <- lapply(tempdat, function(x) {
data.table::fread(x, sep = " ", header = FALSE,
col.names = c("Long", "Lat", "Jan","Feb", "Mar", "April", "May",
"Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"))

Here is how data look like (below example data is yearly temperature observation for the whole world):

> head(temperaturesDat)

Long Lat Jan Feb Mar April May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
1: -179.75 71.25 -24.7 -24.0 -23.2 -18.3 -8.4 0.2 1.5 0.6 -2.0 -9.6 -18.6 -22.4
2: -179.75 68.75 -27.0 -28.2 -27.2 -21.6 -9.0 0.6 2.8 1.9 -0.2 -11.9 -22.7 -25.1
3: -179.75 68.25 -27.8 -28.5 -27.5 -22.0 -9.5 0.4 3.0 1.8 -0.8 -12.7 -23.6 -26.8
4: -179.75 67.75 -26.8 -26.6 -25.7 -20.5 -8.0 2.7 6.0 4.0 0.5 -12.2 -23.2 -27.3
5: -179.75 67.25 -29.1 -28.4 -27.5 -22.3 -9.7 2.2 6.2 3.3 -1.3 -15.4 -26.4 -31.1
85790: 179.75 -87.75 -26.7 -39.0 -52.0 -54.9 -54.3 -55.8 -58.0 -59.8 -58.0 -49.6 -32.9 -24.9
85791: 179.75 -88.25 -27.4 -39.8 -53.1 -56.0 -55.5 -56.9 -59.1 -61.2 -59.2 -50.7 -33.4 -25.3
85792: 179.75 -88.75 -27.5 -40.3 -53.7 -56.6 -56.1 -57.5 -59.8 -61.9 -59.8 -51.2 -33.5 -25.4

85793: 179.75 -89.25 -27.4 -40.3 -53.9 -56.7 -56.1 -57.7 -59.9 -62.2 -59.8 -51.3 -33.4 -25.1
85794: 179.75 -89.75 -27.2 -40.2 -54.0 -56.4 -55.8 -57.8 -59.7 -62.4 -59.8 -51.2 -33.5 -24.9

Long Lat Jan Feb Mar April May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
1: -179.75 71.25 -22.4 -23.7 -22.2 -16.4 -4.2 0.7 1.7 0.7 -3.1 -9.0 -16.2 -22.0
2: -179.75 68.75 -26.6 -26.5 -25.5 -16.8 -4.2 0.7 1.8 1.2 -2.5 -8.5 -17.6 -26.9
3: -179.75 68.25 -27.1 -27.3 -26.1 -17.2 -5.0 0.7 2.1 1.1 -3.1 -9.8 -18.7 -27.3
4: -179.75 67.75 -25.7 -26.2 -24.8 -15.5 -3.7 3.0 5.3 3.5 -1.6 -9.7 -18.4 -26.1
5: -179.75 67.25 -27.5 -28.6 -27.3 -17.2 -5.5 2.5 5.7 3.0 -3.3 -13.2 -21.7 -28.6

85790: 179.75 -87.75 -25.7 -38.3 -50.0 -57.7 -53.3 -55.6 -54.7 -54.3 -60.2 -53.5 -39.6 -27.4
85791: 179.75 -88.25 -25.8 -39.0 -51.3 -58.7 -54.2 -56.8 -55.7 -55.1 -61.3 -54.7 -40.5 -28.0
85792: 179.75 -88.75 -25.6 -39.3 -51.9 -59.1 -54.5 -57.5 -56.3 -55.4 -61.9 -55.4 -40.9 -28.3
85793: 179.75 -89.25 -25.2 -39.3 -52.2 -59.1 -54.2 -57.8 -56.3 -55.3 -62.0 -55.6 -41.1 -28.1
85794: 179.75 -89.75 -24.8 -39.0 -52.3 -58.6 -53.8 -57.9 -56.0 -55.1 -62.0 -55.6 -41.4 -28.1

Here is what I tried to make this happen:



germany<- wrld_simpl[wrld_simpl@data$NAME =="Germany",]
pointDatas <- lapply(TempDatas, function(x) {
pts <- data.frame(Long=x$Long, Lat=x$Lat)
res <- pts[, c(1,2)]

then I tried Map and SpatialPointsDataFrame to get the coordinates that fall in Germany:

points_in_germany <- Map(SpatialPointsDataFrame, coords=pointDatas,
data=pointDatas, proj4string = CRS(co))

I tried my approach but I got an error down below:

Error in dots[[3L]][[1L]] : this S4 class is not subsettable
In addition: There were 15 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

but the result does not seem what I want. How can I improve implementation above? Any way to make this happen in R? Any idea?

Desired output:

Basically, I need to retrieve all points with its metadata (12-month' temperature observations) that fall in Germany's polygon in new data.frame, then compute annual temperature for each point and add it as a new column. How can I get this done? Any way to do this more efficiently in R? Any thought?


How to merge multiple SpatialPointsDataFrame into one? Any idea?


Following your question on reading and formatting this specific climate data:

First, add libraries and country boundaries.


germany<- wrld_simpl[wrld_simpl@data$NAME =="Germany",]

Now, assuming we have the data.frame "stations" created in your previous question (at this point, not sure why you split it into a list) we then create a unique station identifier using a concatenated vector of the coordinate pairs that will be used to match back to the climate data. Then we create a data.frame containing these unique ids along with coordinate pairs [x,y]. This data.frame is then coerced into a SpatialPointsDataFrame object.

xy <- unique( paste(stations[,1], stations[,2], sep="_")  )
stations.xy <- data.frame(long = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(xy, "_"), function(x) {x[1]}))),
lat = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(xy, "_"), function(x) {x[2]}))))
stations.xy$ID <- xy
coordinates(stations.xy) <- ~long+lat

For sub-setting to the Germany polygon boundary, first we must match the proj4string (assuming that the data are in the same projections). Then we can use a spatial overlay function to subset the station locations.

proj4string(stations.xy) <- proj4string(germany)
germany.pts <- raster::intersect(stations.xy, germany)


We can then match the concatenated ids to create an bracket index query that will subset the full "stations" dataset to observations only occurring within the polygon boundary of Germany.

idx <- which(stations$ID %in% germany.pts$ID)
stations <- stations[idx,]

Now, you have a data.frame that matches your station locations. It can easily be subset and merged to the germany.pts SpatialPointsDataFrame.

stations.1929 <- merge(germany.pts, stations[stations$year == 1929,], by = "ID")

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