Sunday, 24 April 2016

arcgis desktop - Why does inline variable output overwrite occurs with Reorder fields tool?

I am trying to use this Reorder fields modelbuilder tool but for some reason the inline variable (%name%) for the output gets overwritten with each file pass until the last one. Otherwise it works fine, however, I need to process hundreds of shapefiles and rearrange the field order.

Any help or corrections would be greatly appreciated.

I've attached an image from the modelbuilder I am currently using. Here's the script:

Galindo Reorder Fields

import os,string,sys

import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
import win32com.client

gp = win32com.client.Dispatch("esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1")

FC_In = sys.argv[1]
NewOrder = sys.argv[2]
FC_Out_WS = sys.argv[3]
FC_Out_Name = sys.argv[4]

strFields = gp.listfields(FC_In)
strNewOrder = NewOrder

Layers = [""]

# Get Field Collection into List
Fields = gp.listfields(FC_In)

NewOrder = string.split(strNewOrder,";")
print Fields
print NewOrder

x=0 #NewOrder enumerator

y=0 #Layers enumerator (first)

# Cycles through the input feature class creating field collections
while x Fields.Reset()
Field = Fields.Next()
while Field:
FieldName = str(
if x Layers[y] = Layers[y] + FieldName + " " + NewOrder[x] + " VISIBLE"

Layers[y] = Layers[y] + FieldName + " " + FieldName + " HIDDEN"

Field = Fields.Next()

if Field:
Layers[y] = Layers[y] + "; "
FieldName = str(

print Layers[y]

# Use Field collections to create Layers with proper order until all fields have been used
z=0 #Layers enumerator (second)
LayerList = ""
for Layer in Layers:

if Layer <> "":
if LayerList <> "":
LayerList=LayerList + ";"
LayerList=LayerList + "Layer" + str(z)
print LayerList
gp.MakeFeatureLayer(FC_In, "Layer" + str(z),"#","#",Layer)
gp.addmessage(gp.getmessages()+ "\n")

#Collect Info about Input Feature Class
dsc = gp.describe(FC_In)
fc_in_stype = dsc.shapetype
fc_in_sr = dsc.spatialreference

# Create new empty Feature class with desired fields
gp.addmessage(gp.getmessages()+ "\n")

gp.addmessage(gp.getmessages()+ "\n")

# Append Records to new feature class
print FC_Out_WS + "\\" + FC_Out_Name
print FC_In
gp.append_management(FC_In, FC_Out_WS + "\\" + FC_Out_Name, "NO_TEST")
gp.addmessage(gp.getmessages()+ "\n")

del gp

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