Wednesday 6 April 2016

python - Shapely LineString and Polygon intersect?

here is my python code, it does not intersect and when I plot this in google map , I see the intersection. shapely.geometry is in Cartesian plane, how you are solving this?

l = "40.65:-114.07 40.21:-112.96 40:-112.66 39.4:-112.7 39.39:-113.28 39.68:-113.94 40.42:-114.26 40.6:-114.22"
points = [[float(x) for x in c.split(":")] for c in l.split(" ")]

polygon = Polygon(points)
path = LineString([(42.049999,-96.25), (38.0880979565,-119.609216457)])
if path.intersects(polygon):

here is the intersection on google map

here is my code for google map:

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