Thursday, 7 April 2016

pyqgis - QGIS tools change special characters to unreadables

QGIS tools change special characters (õ, à) of attributes into unreadable characters.


# load 1 wfs feature
uri = "*%22%20singleChar=%22.%22%20escapeChar=%22!%22%3E%3Cogc:PropertyName%3Egeoname%3C/ogc:PropertyName%3E%3Cogc:Literal%3E*Gomera*%3C/ogc:Literal%3E%3C/ogc:PropertyIsLike%3E%3C/ogc:Filter%3E"
vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(uri, "test", "WFS")

# save as shapefile with UTF-8 encoding
QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(layer = vlayer, fileName = 'H:/Gomera.shp', fileEncoding = 'utf-8', driverName = 'ESRI Shapefile')

# run qgis tool

import processing"native:fixgeometries", {'INPUT':'H:/Gomera.shp','OUTPUT':'H:/Gomera_fix.shp'})

In the output shapefile, the special characters have been changed into unreadables (compare left to right attribute tables):

Qgis changes special characters

The input shapefile and output shapefiles are both UTF-8 encoded. This happens with several tools, for example with fixgeometries, buffer or grass7:v.buffer, both in the python console as well as in the GUI.

How can I solve this problem? This seems something related to internal QGIS tools rather than problems with reading special characters as input as discussed here:

I'm running QGIS 3.0 on Windows.



orgEncoding=QgsSettings().value('/Processing/encoding') # save setting
QgsSettings().setValue('/Processing/encoding', 'utf-8') # set uft8

# run qgis tool
import processing"native:fixgeometries", {'INPUT':'H:/Gomera.shp','OUTPUT':'H:/Gomera_fix.shp
QgsSettings().setValue('/Processing/encoding', orgEncoding) # set saved value

For set the value manuellenter image description here

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