Saturday 9 April 2016

career - Finding GIS consultancy/project work (rather than jobs)?

The post What are useful websites for scouting GIS related jobs? listed resources for finding a GIS job (as in a full-time or contract position).

What resources are available for finding GIS projects or consultancy work? eg:

  • a small project to integrate a map into an existing site;

  • incorporate an address-search into a workflow;

  • migrate legacy GIS code to a new format;

These are one-off tasks which require a GIS professional, but which don't entail a full-time position. How do you find the right people for the task, or find the task if you're the right person? All the online resources I've seen are aimed at "jobs".


I think you're actually talking about contracting. Most companies realise that if they are not in the GIS arena, they only need to hire in expertise on a contract by contract basis. I started off in life doing this, and now run a consultancy providing this very service. If you are looking for contracting, then a good starting point is contractoruk, which will give you advice. As for contract seaches, they havea good one which will link you in to other portals.

However, the best advice, I could give, is to market your CV on LinkedIn, Twitter, and through agencies like HAYS IT, Monarch recruitment etc.

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