Sunday, 17 March 2019

gdal - Calculating Image boundary / footprint of satellite images using open source tools?

I need to create the polygon outlines of several single layer raster images, not the extent/bounding box, but the area without the nodata values, as shown here: Creating shapefile showing footprints of Rasters?.

In the answer to the question above, the Image Boundary plugin was mentioned, however, I don't find it in the QGIS 1.8.0 Lisboa, running on Ubuntu.

Is the tool still available?

If not, is there a way to do this using opensource tools, either gdal, R, QGIS, GRASS, or similar, not with ArcMap?


You can add the old repository where have plugins out in Official Repository.

The image boundary plugin have option for calculate valid pixel, but, the image need be the full scene, how CBERS or Landsat, where this process calculate the first 4 corners. The image need have nodata with ZERO value for area without imaging(scanned by satellite sensor).

Author of Image Boundary

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