Saturday, 30 March 2019

Reducing Land Cover Data Sets in Earth Engine

I am trying to use earth engine to reduce the USGS land cover dataset and calculate the frequency of specific land cover types in several regions. The output that I am getting creates a single dictionary with a list of land cover types and values for each county (region).

I am curious if I can break this dictionary up to allow a table to be exported to google drive with each land cover type having a unique column?

Here is my code:

// Load a FeatureCollection of Maine Counties.

var Counties = ee.FeatureCollection('ft:1S4EB6319wWW2sWQDPhDvmSBIVrD3iEmCLYB7nMM').filter(ee.Filter.eq('StateName', 'Maine'));

//Imports NLCD Land Cover Data
var LandCover2011 = ee.Image('USGS/NLCD/NLCD2011')

// Clip the image to the polygon geometry
var LandCover2011 = LandCover2011.clip(Counties);

// Extract the landcover band
var landcover ='landcover');

// Print out the frequency of landcover occurrence for each county
var frequency = landcover.reduceRegions({
collection: Counties,

//Prints Feature collection


//Exports table to drive
//Export.table.toDrive(frequency, "MaineLandCoverData");


You can get the "histogram" property (resulting from the reducer) as a Dictionary which can be used to set the landcover:frequency pairs as new properties for a county feature. Then just map that function over all counties in the FeatureCollection.

// Print out the frequency of landcover occurrence for each county

// Optional for debugging: Drop other properties and geometry > simpler looking csv.

frequency =['histogram'], null, false)

var frequency ={
var dict = ee.Dictionary(feature.toDictionary().get('histogram'))
feature = feature.set(dict)
return feature
print('per class landcover frequency properties', frequency)

//Exports table to drive

Export.table.toDrive(frequency, "MaineLandCoverData");

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