Thursday, 21 March 2019

animation - Creating animated route map in QGIS?

Using QGIS and other free tools, how can I use a Google Maps route to create a route animation in the style of the Indiana Jones movies (

I have found two questions on this site (Show vehicle traveled route as animation and Interpolate points between coordinates for smooth animation in google maps or openmap) which deal with similar issues, but both of them are based on Google Maps or OpenLayers integrations and require coding.

I have found a very useful article on how to use the Time Manager QGIS plugin to map trajectories which fade out. In my case I would not need the path to fade over time, but that method could provide a useful basis for getting the laser effect that I want.

A further complication is that while I know the route that I want to animate, I do not have any actual data to use as inputs for the animation. I could get a route out of Google Maps, but that does not include timestamps so I'd either need a way to animate the steps in order, or otherwise add a timestamp somehow.

How can I put all of this together, or is there perhaps a more elegant way to achieve this effect using tools that are freely available?

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