Saturday, 30 March 2019

Integrate GeoJSON file with openlayers.protocol.http

I've got a problem with (the title says it) integrating a geojson file in my openlayers map. I have to use the openlayers.protocol.http way. I examined lots of examples on the web (and on stackexchange) but I cannot figure out what the problem with my exact code is. it shows the layer in the layerswitcher, but it doesn't show the features.

I hope someone can find the error. Here's my code (relating geojson):

WebMapping - Übung 12

Ihr Browser unterstützt keine Inlineframes

Wikipedia-Integration in OpenLayers


Well, here is my working example. First of all, your code have some errors. Read carefully this to discover what was changed, because I don't have time to comment and explain in details.

And the file with GeoJSON:


"coordinates":[8.692, 49.412]

Feel free to ask anything you don't understand. 1) Format your HTML correctly. 2) Your map don't call the correct DIV tag to render. 3) I put a projection in the vector. 4) CHanged the coordinates to my country (eheh) so you will know where to go the next Football World Cup.

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