Monday, 11 February 2019

qgis - How to load an (updating) point layer from Access?

I have a database table linked to the QGIS project which contains X,Y & Z coordinate information, which I can display in the Map View window of the project, after having used the “Points Layer from table” Geoalgorthim which creates a shp file that I can apply the required “Style” to and everything looks great. But routinely i.e. on a daily basis I need to add further points to the DB table and for this new information to be displayed without having to go through the process of apply the geoalgorithm and changing the style on a daily basis.

In ArcGIS, I was able to do this using in going down the XY Events process.

This is the acript I tried to use to retireve the data from an MS Access table (table- DPGDATA, database - SESIMIC Geodatabase.mdb

pts = processing.runalg("qgis:pointslayerfromtable", "H:\GEOPHYSICAL PROJECTS\SEISMIC Geodatabase.mdb|layername=DPGDATA", "Eastings", "Northings","EPSG:4236", None)

FURTHER QUERIES What is the script is required to give the Output layer a meaningful name. What script is required to load a predefined qml file to an individual layer. Lastly, I will need to routinely delete the old Output layer What is the script required to do this?

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