Monday, 25 February 2019

clustering - Obtaining "nClusters" value in Google Earth Engine

After training the kmeans model, how can i obtain the number of classes of the model? i've tried with get(), getInfo() and doesnt work.

enter image description here

Value that must to be extracted in "//var to_print_2 = clusterer.get('nClusters')"

// STEP 1: Import image we wish to classify
var l8 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1')

// Remove the clouds
var cloud_free = ee.Algorithms.Landsat.simpleComposite({

collection: l8.filterDate('2018-01-01', '2018-12-31'),
asFloat: true

// STEP 2: Draw your box which you will sample from!
// Make the training dataset.
var training = cloud_free.sample({
region: geometry,
scale: 30,
numPixels: 5000


// Step 3: Create the clusterer and train it, play around with
// number of classes
var clusterer = ee.Clusterer.wekaKMeans(3).train(training);

print('clusterer',clusterer instanceof ee.ComputedObject);

var to_print = clusterer.getInfo();


print(typeof clusterer);

var clusterer_list = ee.List(clusterer);


print(typeof clusterer_list);

//var to_print_2 = clusterer.get('nClusters');


//var to_print_3 = clusterer.Filter.filterMetadata('nClusters','equals',3);


// Step 4: Classify our image

var classified = cloud_free.cluster(clusterer);
var cluster_1 = classified.eq(0);

// Display
Map.setCenter(-122.31040963183364, 37.782065864682096, 11)
Map.addLayer(classified.randomVisualizer(), {}, 'clusters');

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