Monday, 5 February 2018

ArcGIS Length and Area Calculation Scenarios

Trying to get a handle on how length and area are calculated in different scenarios in ArcGIS. I don't know why I can't find a answer on the feature class fields, but I can't find a precise answer, unless I'm not understanding something and I know there is some history. Can you help me fill in the question marks? Or tell me why I'm going about this all wrong ; )

GCS = Geographic coordinate system PCS = Projected coordinate system
All links are to 10.1 help docs --

  1. Feature Class shape_length and shape_area fields
    a. GCS - ?
    b. PCS - Using simple planar

    c. Is it always auto-updated, except for shapefiles? yes

  2. ArcMap Measurment Tool
    a. GCS - default geodesic, alternatives are Loxodrome and Great Elliptic, but not planar. Area calculation not available!
    b. PCS - default planar, alternatives Geodesic, Loxodrome, and Great Elliptic

  3. Attribute Table Calculator

    a. GCS - not available
    b. PCS - planar

  4. Calculate Field Tool (Data Management toolbox)
    a. GCS - geodesic linear, area available but questionable
    b. PCS - planar

  5. Buffering Tool (and other tools coming)
    a. GCS - geodesic
    b. PCS - planar or specify GCS output

  6. Javascript API Clientside
    a. GCS - geodesic area and length functions
    b. PCS - can convert from web mercator to geographic (or use geometry service)

  7. Flex API Clientside
    a. GCS - geodesic area and length functions, "The length [or area] will be calculated using a custom cylindrical equal-area projection". This is not mentioned in the javascript api!!
    b. PCS - can convert from web mercator to geographic

  8. ArcGIS Server REST API - Geometry Service
    a. GCS - geodesic
    b. PCS - planar

Another question, what exactly is a geodesic measurement? I thought it meant a 3D trig formula on a spheroid (haversine?). And is it too slow to use in calculating an area and that is why equal area projections are used?

Another question, when determining length and area -- is an equal area projection more accurate than a geodesic calculation using the same datum, spheroid? And briefly why?

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