Wednesday 21 February 2018

Can I view a Postgis Geometry Array in QGIS?

I've got an array of geometry as a column in a postgis database. Is it possible to view the data (even the n'th element?) in qgis?


No, not directly.

However, you can create a VIEW using some fancy SQL, which will open in QGIS. If this is a one-off, you can SELECT INTO a new table instead by modifying the query.

Say you have a table geo_arrays with a geoms geometry array column type. Try this:

CREATE VIEW geo_parts AS
row_number() OVER () AS gid,
v.gid as old_gid,
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY gid) part,

(SELECT gid, unnest(geoms) AS geom FROM geo_arrays) AS v

Which will give a new gid unique key required by most programs, as well as the old primary key and array part number (if these are useful). If the geometry arrays are heterogeneous (e.g., a mixture of POINT and LINESTRINGs), then in QGIS there will be a layer for each type.

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