Thursday, 31 August 2017

distance - Postgis, get the points that are x meters near another point, in meters

I'm trying to find the points within a certain distance, in meters, from another point.

I'm using the function ST_Buffer, but I don't get how to express the distance in meters.

I'm trying with something like this:

1 as cartodb_id,

POINT(-58.38145 -34.60368)'
, 4326
, 3857
, 500
) as the_geom_webmercator

I have the coordinates from google maps (in wgs84, 4326) then I transform them to webmercator (3857) and then I pass 500 as parameter, and I get something that looks like the desired area, but after comparing it with what google maps says it falls short for a non neglectable distance.

Is this the right way to achieve it?

note: you can try the sql query in cartodb


From this question: I came with the following code (I use SRID 31997 to calculate the buffer, and then go back to webmercator)

1 as cartodb_id,
'POINT(-58.427185 -34.624592)'

, 4326
, 31997
, 2000
), 3857
) as the_geom_webmercator

Now if falls short for no more than 20 meters. I thought mercator (EPSG 3857) was in metric units.

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