Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Splitting line layer at polygon's boundary of polygon layer using PostGIS

I have a line layer and a polygon layer in PostgreSQL 9.2, PostGIS 2.0. How can I split every line each time it crosses a polygon's boundary?

enter image description here


Alright, I can't test it on larger data set so it might not be fastest but should work.

If the polygons don't intersect (seems to be what you want) this will work. With ST_INTERSECTION(,) we can get lines inside of polygons (one line per row), with ST_Difference(,ST_UNION()) we can get a geometry colection that holds pieces of line that don't fit inside any of the polygons. So now we just have to put those two results in one format and UNION them:

lines_in_polygons AS(
SELECT ST_INTERSECTION(line,polygon) as inter
line AS l,
poly AS c

diff AS (
SELECT ST_Difference(l.line,ST_UNION(polygon)) geom FROM
line AS l
JOIN poly AS p ON
GROUP BY l.line)

SELECT ST_GeometryN(geom,n)
FROM diff AS d

generate_series(1,ST_NumGeometries(geom)) as n FROM diff) n
SELECT inter
FROM lines_in_polygons;

If the polygons do intersect...I'll try tommorow.

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