Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Writing selected features to shapefile using OGR and Python?

I have two shapefiles that intersect: one containing a line, and the other containing polygons. I'm trying to use OGR and Python to create a buffer around the line and select polygons within it, then write those features to a shapefile.

##import modules
import ogr
import gdalconst
import sys
import os

##Define input files
power = (r'C:\Users\Megan\Desktop\powerlines\PowerLine.shp')
parcel = (r'C:\Users\Megan\Desktop\parcels\Parcels.shp')
outName = ("BufferedParcels.shp")

##Define buffer width
bufferWidth = 250

##Assign driver
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')

##Open files
powerData = driver.Open(power, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly)
parcelData = driver.Open(parcel, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly)

##Verify files were opened correctly, exit if not
if powerData is None:
print('Could not open ' + power)
if parcelData is None:
print('Could not open ' + parcel)

inputDS = driver.Open(power)

if inputDS is None:
print('Could not open', power)

##Get feature layer and geometry from powerlines
powerLayer = powerData.GetLayer(0)
powerFeature = powerLayer.GetNextFeature()
powerGeom = powerFeature.GetGeometryRef()

##Get feature layer and count from parcels

parcelLayer = parcelData.GetLayer(0)
parcelFeatureCo = parcelLayer.GetFeatureCount()

##Re-write output file if it already exists
inputLayer = inputDS.GetLayer()
if os.path.exists(outName):

##Apply buffer to powerline geometry, give affordance that it worked
powerBuffer = powerGeom.Buffer(bufferWidth)

print('Created 250 ft buffer around',power)
##Attempt to get output driver, exit in case of failure
outputDS = driver.CreateDataSource(outName)
print('Could not create',outName)

##Define new layer, exit in case of failure
newLayer = outputDS.CreateLayer('BufferedParcels',geom_type = ogr.wkbPolygon)

if newLayer is None:
print('Could not create layer for buffer in output DS')
##Get new layer definition
newLayerDef = newLayer.GetLayerDefn()

##Give affordance that program is running
##Set feature ID
##Loop through features in parcelLayer
print ('Writing the following parcels to shapefile:')

featureID = 0
for i in parcelLayer:
##parcelFeatures = parcelLayer.GetFeature(i)
parcelGeom = i.GetGeometryRef()
bufferContains = powerBuffer.Contains(parcelGeom)

names = i.GetField('SITUSADDR')
area = i.GetField('AREA')
relevantVals = (names, area)
fmt = '%s %s'

##Determine if features are within buffer
##Print stats if 'True'
if bufferContains == True:
print (fmt % relevantVals)
newFeature = ogr.Feature(newLayerDef)

##print('Error printing shapefile.')
featureID += 1

##Give affordance that program worked
print('Wrote', featureID, 'parcels to shapefile.')



The code above successfully writes a list of the polygons I'm looking for and creates a shapefile. However, the file has an empty attribute table and doesn't show any geometry.

Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?

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