Thursday, 31 January 2019

Can ArcGIS 10.1 use SQL on Definition Query to select minimum value?

In ArcGIS 10.1 I am trying to do a Definition Query that will select the records that are the min values from a table.

I try a lot of type of query like and it still not working. Name table is Polygone_Buffer_Output Attribute : Air_Mil

"Air_Mil" = (SELECT MIN( "Air_Mil" ) FROM "Polygone_Buffer_Output"

[Air_Mil] = (SELECT MIN( [Air_Mil] ) FROM "Polygone_Buffer_Output"

[Air_Mil] = (SELECT MIN( [Air_Mil] ) FROM [Polygone_Buffer_Output]

"Air_Mil" in (SELECT MIN( "Air_Mil" ) FROM "Polygone_Buffer_Output"


"Air_Mil" in (SELECT MIN( "Air_Mil" ) FROM Polygone_Buffer_Output


[Air_Mil] in (SELECT MIN( [Air_Mil] ) FROM Polygone_Buffer_Output

using square brackets or quotes depends on your underlying database implementation.

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