Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Extracting EPSG from a raster using gdal bindings in Python

My goal is to check that a shapefile and raster have the same projection and datum using EPSG number.

One can easily extract EPSG number from a shapefile by the following:


This works great but how does one do the same for a raster file, you cannot, to my knowledge get a spatial reference of a raster.

One can get projection, or projecitonref (I am not sure if there is any difference), but you cannot do more, like:'raster_file.tif')

This does not work. Perhaps there is an alternative way to do this?


I found the following workaround. I am unsure if it is the most efficient, but it does work for me.

import gdal
import osr

path = r"C:\temp\test2.tif"
d = gdal.Open(path)
proj = osr.SpatialReference(wkt=d.GetProjection())

EDIT: Slightly more condensed

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