Wednesday, 30 January 2019

python - A count of points within a set distance using updatecursor

I have a script that calculates the average distance between points. What I want is to rewrite it so I can input the point layer, input a distance, and the output field will tell me a count of the number of points at that distance. Can anyone help? so basically I just want a script that will tell me a count of the number of points from a point at a certain distance.

#Import standard library modules
import sys, string, arcpy

inputFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)# Input Point Layer
inputdistance = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) #input distance

outputfield = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) #output field

# Read the point data into list.
xs = []
ys = []
rowCursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(inputFC)
for row in rowCursor:
geom = row.getValue (properties.shapeFieldName)
cen = geom.centroid

del rowCursor

# compute distance
sumdist = 0.0
count = 0.0
for i in range(0,len(xs)):
for j in range(i,len(xs)):
if (i <> j):

dist = ((xs[i] -xs[j])**2 + (ys[i] - ys[j])**2)**0.5
sumdist = sumdist + dist
count = count + 1
print "The average inter-point distance is " + str(sumdist/count)
arcpy.AddMessage("The average inter-point distance is " + str(sumdist/count))

With the following script. Ive tried to run it as Distance.add_nearby_points_count_field('gauges.shp', 100)

 import sys
import arcpy
import math

def add_nearby_points_count_field(inputFC, inputdistance):

# Read the point data into list.
coord_pairs = []
desc = arcpy.Describe(inputFC)
rowCursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(inputFC)
for row in rowCursor:
geom = row.getValue(desc.shapeFieldName)

# Add a field called 'cnt' and calculate nearby points
arcpy.AddField_management(inputFC, 'cnt', 'LONG') #i also tried cutting out this part and creating the "cnt" field manually
rowCursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(inputFC)
for row in rowCursor:
geom = row.getValue(desc.shapeFieldName)
from_point = geom.centroid
near_pts = 0
for to_point in coord_pairs:
distance = math.sqrt(pow((to_point.X - from_point.X), 2) + pow((to_point.Y - from_point.Y), 2))
if distance <= inputdistance:

near_pts += 1
row.cnt = near_pts - 1 # Subtract 1 to remove the measurement to itself
del rowCursor

if __name__ == '__main__':
inputFC ='guages.shp' #originally its a featureclass but I converted it to a shapefile to try both methods
inputdistance = 100
add_nearby_points_count_field(inputFC, inputdistance)


EDIT based on comment...

Kinn, you can use this in a number of ways. One way is to save the script as "", and as long as it is in your python path, you can use it in any other script by importing it.

import count_nearby_points

Then you should be able to call the count_nearby_points.add_nearby_points_count_field(inputFC, inputdistance) function from within your script.

Or, if you run this script directly, you can modify the parameters under if __name__ == '__main__':

You can also copy the part(s) that you want into your own script.

Feel free to ask if you have further questions.

# Name:

# Purpose: Return a count of nearby point features
# Created: 29/09/2011
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import arcpy
import math

def add_nearby_points_count_field(inputFC, inputdistance):

# Read the point data into list.
coord_pairs = []
desc = arcpy.Describe(inputFC)
rowCursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(inputFC)
for row in rowCursor:
geom = row.getValue(desc.shapeFieldName)

# Add a field called 'cnt' and calculate nearby points
arcpy.AddField_management(inputFC, 'cnt', 'LONG')
rowCursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(inputFC)
for row in rowCursor:
geom = row.getValue(desc.shapeFieldName)
from_point = geom.centroid
near_pts = 0
for to_point in coord_pairs:
distance = math.sqrt(pow((to_point.X - from_point.X), 2) + pow((to_point.Y - from_point.Y), 2))

if distance <= inputdistance:
near_pts += 1
row.cnt = near_pts - 1 # Subtract 1 to remove the measurement to itself
del rowCursor

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test data for when running as __main__, make sure that 'points.shp' exists.
inputFC ='points.shp'
inputdistance = 100

add_nearby_points_count_field(inputFC, inputdistance)

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