Saturday, 12 January 2019

binding nested arrays as geojson popups in leaflet

I am struggling with geojson popups in leaflet.js I have nested arrays as properties for my features - an example would be counts of fish caught at a location (not my actual project data!)







I am trying to put a popup on each feature (onEachFeature) that states river and a count of each type caught.

I'm binding using a function like this

function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
if ( {
var popupcontent;
popupcontent = "River: "
for (i=0;i var fishstring = "
"[i].type+": "[i].count
popupcontent = popupcontent+fishstring;

geojson = L.geoJson(inData, {
onEachFeature: onEachFeature

The problem is that the onEachFeature is caught in an endless loop. If I remove the for loop from the function, everything works fine.

Any thoughts on this?


For whatever it is worth, when I revisited this, and build the fiddle ( it now works... (thanks @alexgleith for the nudge!)

Marking complete so others might see the code.

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