Wednesday 24 January 2018

python - How to find depressions (sinks) and hills based on contour line features

I have contour lines (interval 0.1m), derived from a DEM (1m).

I used the thinning ratio to find only features, which are like circles.

I've imported these features into a Spatialite database.

The image below shows two groups of contour features (there are thousands of them). The left one shows the contour features of a small depression, the right one of a small hill.

enter image description here

My purpose is to find these feature groups, union them (or find the outer ring) and classify them to depressions and hills.

Sample of data:


My first idea is to use the ST_Contains function to check if there is a feature with smaller or higher elevation then the feature which overlays and wrap it into a loop.

This query counts the contour features which are within the outer ring of a group. Excluding the outer ring:!

SELECT, count( AS count FROM circle_test a, circle_test b
WHERE ST_Contains(ST_BuildArea(a.geom),ST_BuildArea(b.geom))


The other idea is to intersect them with a Depth in Sink raster (shown as blue in the image), processed with WhiteBox. The raster fills up sinks to a plane surface. The problem is that there are big sinks with both depressions and hills within.

Solutions with Spatialite or Python are favored.

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