Saturday, 3 December 2016

arcgis desktop - ArcPy Empty Buffers

I have written an ArcPy script to process a DTM into a point feature class to be used in Landform classification and ranking. It successfully produces what I need most of the time.

Randomly the buffer polygon step produces an empty feature class. If I run the same process "by hand" it works. If I run the script again, or from a value just before it failed, it also works. The issue is not consistent, it may do it on the 3rd loop, or the 300th loop.

I've attempted to mitigate this issue by checking my delete variable statements (memory leak management), and by writing a get count followed by an "if" statement that runs a "compact", "repair geometry", "add spatial index", "Delete the last buffer feature class", and "re buffer". But to no avail. The first part of the script is below.. Any ideas would be welcome..

import arcpy
import winsound

######## Check out any necessary licenses

from import *

######## Script arguments
FolderLocation = "C:\\Data\\Basin\\"
InRaster = "C:\\Data\\DEM\\Basin1"
GDB = "C:\\Data\\Basin1.gdb"

LandForm = GDB+"\\LandForm"
TempP = GDB+"\\TempP"

TopVal = 1037
ProcessingVal = 772
BotVal = 150
Range = TopVal-BotVal
Range2 = ProcessingVal - BotVal
Range3 = Range2
print "There are: "+ str(Range) +" values in this raster. With: " +str(Range2) + " to process"
print " "

#### Naming Conventions
SingleValue = "s_"
BandValue = "b_"
CountValue = "r_"
LandFormIValue = "u_"
PNeigbours = "p_"
Frequency = "f_"
BufferName = "buf_"
MultiName ="m_"
IntName = "i_"

DisName = "d_"

MegaBuffCount = 0
MegaMultiCount = 0
MegaCount = ProcessingVal +1

while (MegaCount) > (BotVal):
MegaCount = (MegaCount-1)
## Reclass Single Values
SingleValueName = SingleValue + str(MegaCount) +".tif"

SingleValueNamePath = FolderLocation + SingleValueName
SingleValuePolygonName = SingleValue + str(MegaCount)
SingleValuePolygonNamePath = GDB+"\\"+SingleValuePolygonName
SingleValueCountName = CountValue + str(MegaCount)+".tif"
SingleValueCountNamePath = FolderLocation + SingleValueCountName
LandFormIncrementName = LandFormIValue + str(MegaCount) +".tif"
LandFormIncrementNamePath = FolderLocation + LandFormIncrementName

RC1 = str(BotVal)
RC2 = str(MegaCount -1)

RC3 = str(MegaCount)
RC4 = str(TopVal)
Val = 1
Equ = "{0} {1} {2}; {3} {4} {5}".format (RC1,RC2,NODATA,RC3,RC4,Val)
print "Process Number: " + str(Range2) + " Height Value: "+ str(MegaCount) + " Count Processed: " +str(int(Range3)- int(Range2))
print "A: Raster S Single Band:" + str(Range2) + " Equ: " +str(Equ)
Range = Range -1
Range2 = Range2-1

Raster =,"Value",Equ, "NODATA")

## To Poly
arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(SingleValueNamePath, SingleValuePolygonNamePath, "NO_SIMPLIFY", "Value")
print "B: Conversion Polygon: "+ SingleValuePolygonNamePath

print " B1: Processing Diagonals"
BufferNearName = BufferName + str(MegaCount)

BufferNearNamePath = GDB+"\\" + BufferNearName
MultiPartName = MultiName + str(MegaCount)
MultiPartNamePath = GDB+"\\" + MultiPartName
IntersectName = IntName + str(MegaCount)
IntersectNamePath = GDB+"\\" + IntersectName
DissolveName = DisName + str(MegaCount)
DissolveNamePath = GDB+"\\" + DissolveName

#Spatial Ref: GDA 94 Z50
sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(28350)

arcpy.Buffer_analysis(SingleValuePolygonNamePath,BufferNearNamePath,"100 decimeters","FULL","ROUND","ALL","")
bufcount = arcpy.GetCount_management(BufferNearNamePath)
result_value = bufcount[0]
buffercount = int(result_value)

MegaBuffCount = MegaBuffCount + buffercount

if buffercount == 0:
print "DANGER!!!!!!!!"

arcpy.RepairGeometry_management (SingleValuePolygonNamePath)
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(SingleValuePolygonNamePath,BufferNearNamePath,"100 decimeters","FULL","ROUND","ALL","")
winsound.PlaySound("SystemHand", winsound.SND_ALIAS)

print " B2: Buffer Error: " +str(bufcount) +" polygons. This Processing run: " + str(MegaBuffCount)

bufcount2 = arcpy.GetCount_management(BufferNearNamePath)

result_value2 = bufcount2[0]
buffercount2 = int(result_value2)

if buffercount2 == 0:
winsound.PlaySound("SystemHand", winsound.SND_ALIAS)
winsound.PlaySound("SystemHand", winsound.SND_ALIAS)
STOP # Deliberate error

print " B2: Buffer: " +str(bufcount) +" polygons. This Processing run: " + str(MegaBuffCount)

Multicount = arcpy.GetCount_management(MultiPartNamePath)
Mulresult_value = Multicount[0]
MulCount = int(Mulresult_value)
MegaMultiCount = MegaMultiCount + MulCount

print " B3: Multi Part: " +str(Multicount) +" polygons. This Processing run: "+ str(MegaMultiCount)


ArcGIS 10.1 has a few bugs when it comes to working with buffers. Especially with Geodesic buffers and the dissolve type "all" method. (NIM083208, NIM082599, NIM086086,NIM087868,NIM087913). I swapped to a projected system, then separated the buffer component into it's own module and the random errors stopped.

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