Sunday, 2 February 2020

raster - How many polygons does a single polygon intersect with?

I currently possess a shapefile that consists of >5000 polygons. I would like to know, for each polygon, how many other polygons it intersects with and the names of each polygon it intersects with?

My output should be something like this:

enter image description here

Based on this previous question and @JeffreyEvans suggestion on using gIntersects, I have tried the following below. But, the process has been running continuously without stopping for the last 5 hours. Any suggestions?

Here's the code I ran in R:


Poly <- readOGR("C:\\Users\\rameshv\\Terrestrial_dissolved_multipart.shp")
Poly_join <- gIntersects(Poly)


I was able to solve part of my own question. However, I am still unclear as to write a list of comma separated names on each row. As of now, I have a loop that read in every shapefile, checks for an Intersection with a large Spatial Polygons Data Frame and prints out a dataframe of and number of polygons it intersects with.



##List all the shapefiles
shapes <- list.files(path = "C:\\Users\\rameshv\\Desktop\\Output_All\\", pattern=".shp$", full.names=TRUE)

##Read in the big spatial polygons dataframe - this contains ALL MAMMALS
Big <-readOGR("C:\\Users\\rameshv\\Desktop\\Ranges_Overlap\\multipart.shp")

for (i in 1:length(shapes)){

a <- readOGR(shapes[i])
o <- over(a, Big,returnList = T)
s <- o[[1]]
count <- length(s$binomial)-1
a$binomial <- as.character(a$binomial)
results <- data.frame(a$binomial,count)
write.table(results,file="C:\\Users\\rameshv\\Desktop\\overlapfile_Final.csv", row.names=F,append = TRUE, col.names = F, sep = ",")

Any thoughts?


Now with sf you could do

st_intersection(shapes, shapes)

For example

x <- st_buffer(nc[1:10, ], dist = 0.1) ## make sure some overlap
st_intersects(x, x)
Sparse geometry binary predicate list of length 10, where the predicate was `intersects'

1: 1, 2
2: 1, 2, 3
3: 2, 3, 10
4: 4, 7, 8
5: 5, 6, 8, 9
6: 5, 6, 8
7: 4, 7, 8
8: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
9: 5, 9
10: 3, 10

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