I'm working with TIGER data, looking at the relationships among incorporated places and counties. Not all places are completely contained by counties; some do span multiple counties.
In the final output I'm preparing, I need to have a "location reference memo" for each place; for a city like Cleveland that is completely contained, this might say something like
"Incorporated Place in Cuyahoga County"
for a city like Birmingham, AL, this would instead need to say something like
"Incorporated Place in Jefferson County, Shelby County"
"Incorporated Place in Jefferson, Shelby Counties"
-- or something like that.
I know that I can do a spatial join to get a multirow output like
- Birmingham | Jefferson
- Birmingham | Shelby
- [city in AL] | [County in AL]
Is there any facility, perhaps after the fact, for generating a single row equivalent of this? E.g.,
- Birmingham | Jefferson; Shelby
Here is a bit of totally untested code that might work for you:
import arcpy
feat1 = 'finished_feature_class'
feat2 = 'spatially_joined_feature_class'
with arcpy.SearchCursor(feat2,['name_of_place_field','name_of_county_field']) as cursor:
# create a dictionary to hold our place/county data
places = {}
for row in cursor:
place = row.name_of_place_field
county = row.name_of_county_field
if place not in places:
# if the place is not already in the dictionary, add it along with the county associated
# with it in this row
places[place] = list(county)
# if the place is already in the dictionary, check to see if this is a different county; if
# so, append it to the list
if county not in places[place]:
places[place] = places[place].append(county)
with arcpy.UpdateCursor(feat1,['name_of_place_field','name_of_memo_field']) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
place = row.name_of_place_field
# use the "x for x in z" iterator with the "join" function to join multiple counties together
row.name_of_memo_field = 'Incorporated Place in {0}'.format( ','.join([county for county in places[place]]) )
The basic steps are:
Step 0. Do a spatial join on your finished feature class, feat1
Step 1. Go through the rows of that new feature class, feat2
, and compile a list of counties each place is associated with using a dictionary, places
Step 2. Go into feat1
and pull the list of counties associated with each row/place from the dictionary created in step 1.
Step 3. Write a string to the memo field and for each county found in the counties list, join them with a "," (or other symbol of your choice).
Step 4. Update the row.
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