Monday, 6 May 2019

arcgis desktop - Changing Symbology of Multiple Layers using ArcMap/ArcPy?

Is there a way to change symbology for multiple layers in ArcMap or ArcCatalog. I want to change the symbology of multiple layers at once.


Edit You can use this script provided by ESRI to complete the task at hand (same idea as below):

import arcpy
arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management("in_layer", "in_symbology_layer")

in_layer : The layer to which the symbology will be applied.
Feature Layer;Raster Layer; TIN Layer;Network Analysis Layer

in_symbology_layer : The symbology of this layer is applied to the Input Layer.
Feature Layer; Raster Layer;TIN Layer; Network Analysis Layer

Or extend this in the form of standalone scripting (think IDLE):

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set the current workspace
env.workspace = "path/to/workspace"

# Set layer to apply symbology to
inputLayers = ["in_layer_first.lyr","in_layer_second.lyr","in_layer_third.lyr"]

# Set layer that output symbology will be based on
symbologyLayer = "in_symbology_layer.lyr"

# Apply the symbology from the symbology layer to the input layer
for layer in inputLayers:
arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management (layer, symbologyLayer)

In essence, you create a symbology layer (in_symbology_layer) that you maintain with respect to design/style. Then you copy that layers symbology on to each of your other layers as listed in your table of contents.

Previous Answer

You can use a style from a current layer in your table of contents/layer list and apply it to your other layers.

For each subsequent layer (below your intended style layer) > right click > properties > symbology > import style from other layer

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