Sunday, 3 September 2017

c# - Using InfoWindow with Feature Layer and DialogWindowBase?

I need to have an infoWindow that displays the Outfields of a FeatureLayer. The infoWindow is popping up, but it is popping up no matter where you click on the map and it does not contain any of the content. I have looked through the documentation and the only difference is that instead of using a UserControl, I am using a DialogWindowBase. Below is my XAML and C#.


Background="{StaticResource PanelGradient}"
Map="{Binding ElementName=My_Map}"

ContentTemplate="{StaticResource MyFeatureLayerInfoWindowTemplate}"

C#: Here is the C# code that I have that will at least build and allow the infoWindow to appear:

private void MyMap_MouseClick(object sender, Map.MouseEventArgs e)

FeatureLayer featurelayer = MyMap.Layers["Water_Valves"] as FeatureLayer;

System.Windows.Point screenPoint = MyMap.MapToScreen(e.MapPoint);

MyInfoWindow.Anchor = e.MapPoint;
MyInfoWindow.IsOpen = true;

Here is the way the documentation does it:

 private void MyMap_MouseClick(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
FeatureLayer featureLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyFeatureLayer"] as FeatureLayer;

System.Windows.Point screenPnt = MyMap.MapToScreen(e.MapPoint);

// Account for difference between Map and application origin
GeneralTransform generalTransform = MyMap.TransformToVisual(Application.Current.MainWindow);
System.Windows.Point transformScreenPnt = generalTransform.Transform(screenPnt);

IEnumerable selected =

foreach (Graphic g in selected)


MyInfoWindow.Anchor = e.MapPoint;
MyInfoWindow.IsOpen = true;
//Since a ContentTemplate is defined, Content will define the DataContext for the ContentTemplate
MyInfoWindow.Content = g.Attributes;

When I try to run it while using the generalTransform is says that is cannot do it because it is not an ancestor.


I found an alternate way to do it that works.


Background="{StaticResource PanelGradient}"
Map="{Binding ElementName=MyMap}"
ContentTemplate="{StaticResource MyFeatureLayerInfoWindowTemplate}">


 MapPoint lastPoint = null;

private void FeatureLayer_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, GraphicMouseButtonEventArgs e)
FeatureLayer flayer = sender as FeatureLayer;

MapPoint clickpoint = MyMap.ScreenToMap(e.GetPosition(MyMap));

if (clickpoint != lastPoint)
MyInfoWindow.Anchor = clickpoint;
MyInfoWindow.Content = e.Graphic.Attributes;
MyInfoWindow.IsOpen = true;
lastPoint = clickpoint;

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