Saturday 16 September 2017

geoprocessing - Explode MULTILINESTRING into individual segments in PostGIS 1.5

I have a MULTILINESTRING in PostGIS consisting of several LINESTRING's. Consider each LINESTRING to have a set of POINT's

P1, P2, ... PN

forming the line segments

L1, L2, ... LN-1

where LX is the line segment connecting PX to PX+1.

Using PostGIS 1.5 how can I explode the MULTILINESTRING into individual line segments of each LINESTRING?


Two options come to mind. If you want a specific LINESTRING then you can use ST_NumGeometries() and ST_GeometryN(). Alternatively, if you want all the sub-geometries, ST_Dump() is the way to go.

After actually reading the question, you will need to do something similar to this post from the postgis-users list:

SELECT ST_AsText( ST_MakeLine(sp,ep) )
-- extract the endpoints for every 2-point line segment for each linestring
ST_PointN(geom, generate_series(1, ST_NPoints(geom)-1)) as sp,
ST_PointN(geom, generate_series(2, ST_NPoints(geom) )) as ep
-- extract the individual linestrings

(SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_Boundary(geom))).geom
FROM mypolygontable
-- eliminate 0 length linestring
where st_x(st_startpoint(geom))<> st_x(st_endpoint(geom))
) AS linestrings
) AS segments;

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