Thursday 1 September 2016

arcobjects - How can I add a new field in a raster attribute table and loop through it?

I am working with an existing raster attribute table. I wonder how can I add a new field to it and then loop through the existing records to populate this new field? Of course I have done this many times for a feature class and a database table but I do not know how to do it with a raster table. I work with VBA. Any code please? Thanks.


VBA sample code is here:

Public Sub CalculateArea(raster As IRaster, areaField As String)
Dim bandCol As IRasterBandCollection
Dim band As IRasterBand

Set bandCol = raster
Set band = bandCol.Item(0)

Dim hasTable As Boolean

band.hasTable hasTable
If (hasTable = False) Then
Exit Sub
End If

If (AddVatField(raster, areaField, esriFieldTypeDouble, 38) = True) Then
' calculate cell size
Dim rstProps As IRasterProps
Set rstProps = raster

Dim pnt As IPnt
Set pnt = rstProps.MeanCellSize

Dim cellSize As Double
cellSize = (pnt.X + pnt.Y) / 2#

' get fields index
Dim attTable As ITable
Set attTable = band.AttributeTable

Dim idxArea As Long, idxCount As Long
idxArea = attTable.FindField(areaField)
idxCount = attTable.FindField("COUNT")

' using update cursor
Dim gridTableOp As IGridTableOp
Set gridTableOp = New gridTableOp

Dim cellCount As Long, cellArea As Double

Dim updateCursor As ICursor, updateRow As IRow
Set updateCursor = gridTableOp.Update(band.RasterDataset, Nothing, False)
Set updateRow = updateCursor.NextRow()
Do Until updateRow Is Nothing
cellCount = CLng(updateRow.Value(idxCount))
cellArea = cellCount * (cellSize * cellSize)

updateRow.Value(idxArea) = cellArea
updateCursor.updateRow updateRow

Set updateRow = updateCursor.NextRow()

End If
End Sub

Private Function AddVatField(raster As IRaster, fieldName As String, fieldType As esriFieldType, fieldLength As Long) As Boolean
Dim bandCol As IRasterBandCollection
Dim band As IRasterBand

Set bandCol = raster
Set band = bandCol.Item(0)

Dim hasTable As Boolean
band.hasTable hasTable

If (hasTable = True) Then
Dim attTable As ITable
Set attTable = band.AttributeTable

If (attTable.FindField(fieldName) -1) Then
AddVatField = True
Exit Function
End If

Dim newField As IField
Dim fieldEdit As IFieldEdit

Set newField = New Field

Set fieldEdit = newField

With fieldEdit
.Name = fieldName
.Type = fieldType
.Editable = True
.IsNullable = True
.Length = fieldLength
End With

Dim gridTableOp As IGridTableOp
Set gridTableOp = New gridTableOp
gridTableOp.AddField band.RasterDataset, newField

AddVatField = True
Exit Function
End If

AddVatField = False
End Function

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