Sunday 29 November 2015

How to Render KML "Hatched" Polygon Symbology in Google Earth?

After solving the issue of KML polygons that were only partially filled-in in Google Earth (here: Why are These KML Polygons Not Filled With Assigned Colour in Google Earth?) I'm now wondering how to make Google Earth display the hatched colouration fill of certain polygons.

Here is how they look in ArcMap.

enter image description here

Here you can see that Google Earth simply renders the hatched polygons as solid black.

enter image description here

How can I render these KML Polygons in Google Earth with their true "Hatched" Symbology? (or is it even possible?)


Unfortunately KML (and KMZ) does not support fancy fill symbols like markers or hatching.. have a read of!topic/kml-support-advanced/KATMRtLHXlo which was asked in 2007, so I wouldn't consider hatching and stipples will be part of the KML standard any time soon.

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