Saturday 21 November 2015

arcgis 10.0 - Creating shapefile from lat/long values using ArcPy?

How can I create a shapefile using Python in ArcGIS 10?

I have lat & long.

From this I need Python code which will create a shapefile in ArcGIS Desktop 10.


For creating points:

ptList =[[20.000,43.000],[25.500, 45.085],[26.574, 46.025], [28.131, 48.124]]
pt = arcpy.Point()
ptGeoms = []
for p in ptList:

pt.X = p[0]
pt.Y = p[1]

arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(ptGeoms, r"C:\Temp\test.shp")

It will return a message like this:

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