Sunday, 28 July 2019

Needing ArcGIS Server to edit MS SQL Server database?

Here is what I have:

ArcGIS Desktop Advanced (10.2) & MS SQL Server 2008 R2

Here is my problem:

I need to be able to connect to the ms sql server and import, export, create, and edit spatial data. I can connect to my database and export features to it using the "Feature Class to Geodatabase" tool but can't edit the data once bringing it back into an ArcMap session. I have tried using the "Create Enterprise Geodatabase" tool available with the advanced desktop license but it asks for an Authorization File (for ArcGIS for Server I assume) that I don't have. I have looked at prices for ArcGIS for Server and it is not feasible option.

Are there alternatives to achieve what I need to using what I currently have licenses for?

Where does arcSDE fit into this?

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