Wednesday 10 April 2019

arcpy - Is it possible to consume ArcGIS Hosted Table into local or ArcSDE geodatabase?

I would like to publish a table to our ArcGIS Online (AGOL) organization account.

Is it possible to consume hosted features in AGOL to a local db or ArcSDE database connection?

By consume I mean import a hosted ArcGIS Online table into a geodatabase with ArcPy.

By local db, I mean file geodatabase


Give a quick read of this blog. It lays the ground work for what you want to do. You just need to replace FeatureSet with RecordSet.

The following code uses a featureservice, and brings down the items as a table -- you keep saying table, so I assume you're talking items without geometry. If you actually mean features, change the returnGeo field to True, and then flip RecordSet to FeatureSet, and CopyRows to CopyFeatures

import arcpy

FSURL = ""

where = "1=1"
fields = "reinforced, speed, countrycode, staffcomment"

returnGeo = False
token = ''

query = "query?where={0}&outFields={1}&returnGeometry={2}&returnIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&f=json&token={3}".format(
where, fields, returnGeo, token)

url = FSURL + query
rs = arcpy.RecordSet()

arcpy.CopyRows_management(rs, r"c:\temp\f.gdb\fsTable")

Modify the query, where clause and fields to match what you want to copy local from your featureservice.

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