Friday, 24 November 2017

PostgreSQL trouble editing points / lines / polygons in QGIS

I have a problem with postgresql and QGIS :

  • I can add points/lines/polygons and fillup field

But I can't :

  • delete points/lines/polygons

  • modify points/lines/polygons (move or modify field)

ex : dbname='Europe' host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres' sslmode=disable key='tid' estimatedmetadata=true srid=900913 type=Point table="public"."planet_osm_point" (way) sql=

QGIS is connected as admin level into database. With pdAdmin III I can do all (create, delete, modify...)

The postgresql database is imported from OSM with osm2pgsql.

On other layer, like .shp, I don't have this issue.

Any idea ?

Config : Ubuntu 14.04 / Posgresql 9.4 / QGIS 2.10


Fixed. The problem was is no primary key.

In pgAdmin do this request.


Example for planet_osm_line table and setting osm_id column ,as primary key :

ALTER TABLE planet_osm_line ADD PRIMARY KEY (osm_id);

untill osm_id is unique.

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