Friday, 24 November 2017

PostGIS Update parse error – invalid geometry

I’m trying to update geometry table using the following command but get

parse error – invalid geometry HINT: “MULTIPOINT(“ <-- parse error at position 11 within geometry

Update geo_table
Set geom =ST_ConvexHull(

ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT(co_ord_string)', 4326));
Id =1234;

originally I created this data with a perl script something like

 insert into geo_table (stuff,date, co_ord_string,geom) values (‘Hello’,’02-07-2018 00:00:00’, T_ConvexHull(ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT($co_ord_string)', 4326));

The co_ord_string is a series of long lat points separated by a comma. These don’t create perfect polygons as they may contain internal points but using ST_ConvexHull a polygon is created

only by viewing the data in Qgis I can see there are errors in the original coordinates that need manually editing (Missing minus signs some points or other issues ) and the geometry recreating

Could someone help with the syntex

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