Thursday, 2 June 2016

python - Using SearchCursor to access & export values in a raster table

I am desperately trying to export the values in a raster table to a .txt file. I've seen some other folk post about this, but for some reason can't get the code to work in my case.

I have a raster, with table already built, called "shed". I simply want to export two fields, "Value" and "Count", to a .txt or .csv file (called "try" in this case). So far, I haven't even been able to get a script that even looks at the raster's table. So far I have:


for row in rows:

But "val" and "count" always fail to become anything- they just remain empty values! Am I missing something? Maybe some sort of import I have overlooked?


I think you were missing closing your output text file - until you do that, you won't get anything written to the text file. Below code tested and works:

import arcpy

arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Users\chad\Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb"

arcpy.BuildRasterAttributeTable_management("raster17", "Overwrite")
outfile = open(r"D:\temp\raster17.txt", "w")

rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("raster17","","","Value;Count","")
for row in rows:
val = row.getValue("Value")
count = row.getValue("Count")

print val, count
outfile.write(str(val) + "," + str(count) + "\n")


And it yields this text file:

enter image description here

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