Tuesday 22 March 2016

web mapping - Chart inside pop up window in Javascript

How to show a chart inside pop up window? I'm using Leaflet JS, which has support for raphael plugin http://dynmeth.github.com/RaphaelLayer/. Is it possible to create a div inside popup window? I was thinking about http://softwarebyjosh.com/raphy-charts/

If it's not possible with Leaflet, I am opened to only Raphael map solution.



I guess it is possible. I see this example at home page of Leaflet:

// add a marker in the given location, attach some popup content to it and open the popup
L.marker([51.5, -0.09]).addTo(map)
.bindPopup('A pretty CSS3 popup.
Easily customizable.').openPopup();

So you can add markup as content. See the br tag above.

// add a marker in the given location, attach some popup content to it and open the popup
L.marker([51.5, -0.09]).addTo(map)
.bindPopup('A pretty CSS3 popup. Easily customizable.').openPopup();
//retrieve the div by class name take care if more then one maybe opened

var mydiv = document.getElementsByClassName( 'popup_custom_div' )[0];
mydiv.innerHTML = 'I am here';

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