Thursday 19 April 2018

gdal - PostGIS ST_Distance in meters discrepancy

Could someone please explain why there is such a significant difference between the results of this query:

ST_Distance(ST_Transform(previous_geom,3857), ST_Transform(current_geom,3857)) AS distance_transform_exp,
ST_Distance(previous_geom::geography, current_geom::geography) AS distance_geometry_exp
ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-111.9096893, 40.7411742),4326) AS previous_geom,
ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-111.9092079, 40.74135181),4326) AS current_geom

) points_table


 distance_transform_exp | distance_geometry_exp
59.6050787601899 | 45.19182216
(1 row)

I understand there would be a difference between geometric (Cartesian) calculation results and geodetic (spheroid) alas for the example points which are relatively close, the discrepancy would be expected to be negligible.


Although the question is different, the answer is the same as this one.

ST_Distance(previous_geom::geography, current_geom::geography) is the correct result.

WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection is heavily distorted when moving away from the equator. Thus, it could be discussed if the units should be called "Pseudo-meters". One meter in reality is approximately 1/cos(lat) pseudo-meters.

45.19 m / cos(40.7°) = 59.6 pseudo-meters

enter image description here

CC BY-SA 3.0, Author: Stefan Kühn

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