Sunday 23 July 2017

postgis - Exporting PostgreSQL table to FileGDB: wkbUnknown layer geometry type

I'm attempting to export a PostGIS (1.5.3) database table as a File geodatabase using the new FileGDB OGR / GDAL 1.9.0 driver:

$ ogr2ogr -overwrite -sql "SELECT * from db_pts LIMIT 1" \
-f "FileGDB" /tmp/test.gdb \
PG:"host='HOST' dbname='DB'"

I get this error:

ERROR 1: Error (-1): FGDB layers cannot be created with a wkbUnknown layer geometry type.
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed translation from sql statement.

The geometry column in the table I'm exported is set up properly and is in the geometry_columns table. I think the problem has to do with the way the -sql option is returning the layer geometry type. For example, accessing the same database table with ogrinfo:

$ ogrinfo -ro -sql "SELECT * from db_allobs LIMIT 1" PG:"host=HOST dbname='DB'"
Layer name: sql_statement
Geometry: Unknown (any)
Feature Count: 1

POINT (-151.472835 69.635245)

It's as though the query doesn't look in geometry_columns when building the layer, but later, when exporting the rows it knows that the geometry being exported is a POINT (in this case).

When I use a similar command to produce a shapefile, all is well, including the layer geometry, which is set to point.

Anyone have any ideas?

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