I have a KML file which was created using Google's My Maps.
The original file can be downloaded here: Google My Maps
Using R, I can import this using the "readOGR" function of the rgdal library This brings the KML file in as a SpatialPointsDataFrame (SPDF) - which i am calling asf52
In this SPDF, the spatial data is contained under @coords and is readily extracted into a dataframe using code like
df <- data.frame(asf52@coords[,1:2])
However, I am struggling to come up with a way to neatly extract the the non-spatial data - contained under @data$Description - and turn it into a dataframe with a column for each variable.
You don't need to call data.frame()
around the extract - the @data
slot already is a data.frame. Just do
df <- asf52@data
to pull out a copy. That said, you may be better served by using the newer sf
library for this task:
ob_kml <- file.path(getwd(), 'Outbreaks 56 (OIE).kml')
There is more than one layer in your KML - list them with e.g.
Use read_sf()
with the layers
argument to choose your point data specifically and read it in. read_sf()
defaults to stringsAsFactors = FALSE which may be preferable.
asf_c <- read_sf(ob_kml, layer = 'ASF in China.xlsx')
To get a plain dataframe, just drop the geometry as follows:
asf_c_df <- st_set_geometry(asf_c, NULL)
EDIT: I see your secondary issue now; it looks like neither sf
nor sp
look at the
tags that hold the attribute data you want (open the KML in Notepad++ if you want to see what I mean). QGIS does detect and import them as separate attribute columns, so @Jella's advice is sound. I'm not sure if the issue here lies with sf
or GDAL, but it may be worth raising an issue of the sf
github page.
In the meantime, your instinct to go with tidyr
functions is sound, its just a little tricky to get a clean separation. The following looks pretty good:
asf_c_df <- st_set_geometry(asf_c, NULL) %>%
# remove duplicate
dplyr::mutate(Description = gsub('
', '
', Description)) %>%
# split on
tidyr::separate(., col = Description,
into = c('Date', 'Province', 'City', 'County', 'Location',
'Total_herd_size', 'Affected_animals', 'Deaths',
'Culled', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Source'),
sep = '
') %>%
# ditch the key: part of key: value
dplyr::mutate_all(., funs(gsub('^.*: ', '', .))) %>%
# data type fixes
dplyr::mutate_at(vars(7:10), as.integer) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(vars(11,12), as.numeric) %>%
# bonus points: proper dates. First, fix September, then cast to Date datatype
dplyr::mutate(Date = gsub('Sept', 'Sep', Date),
Date = as.POSIXct(Date, format = '%b %d, %Y')) %>%
# double bonus! proper NA for missing data
dplyr::mutate_if(is.character, funs(ifelse(. == '', NA, .)))