Sunday, 30 April 2017

raster - Python - gdal.Grid() correct use

Is there any good, complete API for the GDAL Python bindings?

I am interpolating and rasterizing points with elevation data using the gdal.Grid() method;

output = gdal.Grid('outcome.tif','newpoints.vrt')  

In its most basic sense, it's working perfectly. But now, I'd like to try the linear approach;

output = gdal.Grid('outcome.tif','newpoints.vrt', algorithm = 'linear:radius=0')  

That does generate a new .tif file (512kb), but is just one big black image. Also, not all options seem to be accepted.. for the invdist:power=4 for example it also results in a useless image. What is going wrong, am I missing something? Below is the .vrt I'm using;


As a next example I used the gdal.GridOptions(), putting the parameters in that one. It is resulting in a correct file, but still ignores the options. How to actually pass the GridOptions onto the gdal.Grid() ?

I found this question also; GDAL grid produces NoData Is the linear interpolation just a bug in GDAL?

See my example workfiles;


More info about gdal.Grid() and gdal.GridOptions() are available in the GDAL/OGR Python API. Instead, here's the available options of the interpolation algorithms. About the linear approach, this line (and more in detail the algorithm options 'linear:radius=0'):

output = gdal.Grid('outcome.tif','newpoints.vrt', algorithm = 'linear:radius=0')

returns always NoData because:

radius: In case the point to be interpolated does not fit into a triangle of the Delaunay triangulation, use that maximum distance to search a nearest neighbour, or use nodata otherwise. If set to -1, the search distance is infinite. If set to 0, nodata value will be always used. Default is -1.


So, I'd try to use a better value of radius.

Note that the "values to interpolate will be read from Z value of geometry record." otherwise you will need to specify the zfield option:

zfield --- Identifies an attribute field on the features to be used to get a Z value from. [...]


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